NTT災害用伝言ダイヤル 171



1伝言 30秒以内


伝言の録音方法 171 -> 1 -> (ガイダンスが流れます)
市外局番からダイヤルしてください。 (XXX) XXX-XXX (被災地の方はご自宅の電話番号を、被災地以外の方は被災地の方の電話番号を)

伝言の再生方法 171 -> 2 -> (ガイダンスが流れます)
市外局番からダイヤルしてください。 (XXX) XXX-XXX (被災地の方はご自宅の電話番号を、被災地以外の方は被災地の方の電話番号を)

This service is available to contact and confirm family members' and friends' safety.
NTT Disaster Emergency Dengon Dial 171
No pre-registration is required for use of the service.

■Terminal devices that can be used
NTT regular phones, public phones, cell phones and PHS

■The number of messages that can be recorded
1-10 messages per phone number

■Recording time
30 seconds per message

■Message retention period
2 days (automatically deleted in 48 hours)

How to record a message 171 -> 1 -> (You will hear instructions)
Enter a phone number, including the area code. (XXX) XXX-XXX (If you are an earthquake victim, enter your home number, if you are not an earthquake victim, enter the phone number of an earthquake victim.)

How to play a message 171 -> 2 -> (You will hear instructions)
Enter a phone number, including the area code. (XXX) XXX-XXX (If you are an earthquake victim, enter your home number, if you are not an earthquake victim, enter the phone number of an earthquake victim.)


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