地震発生 そんなときどうするその2






What would you do in an earthquake? Part2


When driving a car
●Holding the steering wheel firmly, reduce speed gradually. Pull over to the left side of the road and turn off the engine.
●When you need to evacuate the scene on foot, leave the key in the car and keep the doors unlocked. Make sure to take your valuables including the car registration.

On the street
●Do not keep standing where you are. Protect your head with a bag or something else against falling objects such as broken window glass or signs, and evacuate to an open space or a park.
●Stay away from walls and vending machines.
●Watch out for electric poles and wires that may fall over.

Near the beach
●As soon as you feel a tremor, evacuate to higher ground and listen for tsunami information. Stay away from the beach until precautions and warnings are lifted.

In vehicles such as train
●Hold on to a strap or handle with both hands tightly.
●Even when the vehicle stops, do not rush out by unlocking an emergency door or jumping out of the window.


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